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Top 10 in 10: Most impactful merfolk of the last decade

Written by Jack Pearce - Sep 05 2022

Top 10 in 10: Most impactful merfolk of the last decade

Will Merfolk emerge from the depths to dominate Standard in Dominaria United? Let us know what you think of this Top 10.

1. Emry, Lurker of the Loch

(First printed: Throne of Eldraine, October 2019)

EmryLurkeroftheLoch v1

Throne of Eldraine didn’t have many powerful cards so this one stood out - ha! sorry I couldn’t get through that sentence with a straight face. An often one-mana card which has enabled plenty of combos in plenty of formats seems like a fine place to kick-off a list of powerful merfolk. I never feel bad about drawing this card!

2. Thassa’s Oracle

(First printed: Theros Beyond Death, January 2020)

Thassa Oracle v1

Love to hate her(?) or hate to love her… Thoracle has become a staple of Commander for enabling one of the earliest and hardest to interact with wins. Kill it once it hits the field and it’s often too late. I actually took Demonic consultation out of my self-mill deck because it was too un-fun for my playgroup.

3. Master of Waves

(First printed: Theros, September 2013)

Master of Waves v1

Take a journey with me… the year is 2013, the place… Dublin, Ireland. 2 Frenchmen and teammates are sat across the table to decide who will win the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour. Their nationality and team allegiance weren’t the only similarities however… both men were playing mono-blue devotion! Jeremy Dezani went on to win the event but the real winner?? Master of Waves.

4. True-Name Nemesis

(First printed: November 2013)

True Name Nemesis

The first time you sit across from a True-Name Nemesis (TNN) you think it must be some kind of sick joke. Ashton Kutcher is about to jump out and reveal that you’ve been punk’d and there are hidden cameras everywhere. What do you mean I cannot target it OR block it?! Good Game TNN.

5. Vodalian Hexcatcher

(First printed: Dominaria United, September 2022)

Vodalian Hexcatcher

Wait, I thought this list was card that have actually shown play in competitive formats?? Well, I don’t think you need to have any skills in prophecy to know that this is going to been a main-stay of tribal Merfolk in every format in which it’s legal. It’s basically a bunch of the best merfolk combined and has a tremendous amount of utility, serving as a blocker, lord-combat trick and even a counterspell.

6. Svyelun of Sea and Sky

(First printed: Modern Horizons 2, June 2021)

Svyelun of Sea and Sky

Possibly the most impactful recent addition to modern merfolk (sorry, Tide Shaper), Svyelun is often going to be an indestructible beater with a bonus of drawing you cards and giving your team some protection.

7. Merfolk Trickster

(First printed: Dominaria, April 2018)

Merfolk Trickster v1

Before there was Dress Down, there was Merfolk Trickster. Limited all-star, it went on to open up attacks and negate abilities in Standard, Modern and even Legacy.


8. Thrasios, Triton Hero

(First printed: Commander 2016, November 2016)


We’re back to commander again with the second highest played partner. Adding arguably the 2 best colours for modern commander and with a win-con/infinite mana outlet in the command zone it’s clear why Thrasios is popular. This is a little too easy for my tastes but deserves a spot on this list nonetheless.

9. Tatyova, Benthic Druid

(First printed: Dominaria, April 2018)

Tatyova Benthic Druid v1

In many ways this card embodies the state of Simic (or at least the reputation of it) in Commander. It’s generically good, rewarding you for playing lots of lands, which coincidentally a strong strategy in commander and something which green is quite good at… Don’t let her unthreatening body trick you, kill this fishy on sight.

10. Hullbreacher

(First printed: Commander Legends, November 2020)


Who can forget, dear Hullbreacher? Banned a mere 7- 8 months after the release of Commander Legends, his short-lived reign of terror no doubt still leaves a sour taste in the mouth to all who opposed it. Legacy players rejoice that he can live on and rob your opponents of cards and joy. Lost but not forgotten and if you really want this kind of effect in Commander you’ll have to stick to Notion Thief or Narset.

Honorary mentions:

Augur of Bolas v1Talrand Sky Summoner v1Herald of scret screams v1Harbinger of tides v1

Kumena Tyrant of v1

Poor Augur of Bolas… I almost had it in the top 10 but, as is oft the case, it got relegated as being a pauper/cube giant pales compared to the importance of other formats.

Talrand, Sky Summoner might have made it but it’s ubiquity makes it too unattractive, with 13 printings in 10 years – even the mighty Colossal Dreadmaw has only 6. Oh, and no thank you, I don’t want to play against your ‘fun’ Oops! All Counterspells Talrand Commander deck.

There are actually plenty of other merfolk that could get a nod (and my Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca deck is one of my favourite commander decks) but I focused on those that not only made a big splash but have also proven their mettle in the competitive arena.

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