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2 min read

Evil Dead 2

Written by Die Rollin' - Oct 12 2022

Evil Dead 2

Evil Dead 2 is based on the film of the same name, with some great art and gameplay that ties in with it, however you don’t need to be a fan (or Kandarian demon) to get the most out of this game.

At its (corrupted) heart, Evil Dead 2 is a cooperative game where you’re attempting to seal a portal that is bringing forth the titular evil dead. To do this players work together to collect pages of the Necronomicon which they can use to seal the portal and win the game whilst they’re also attempting to fight off the evil that manifests as possessed people and bosses (including a tree!)

Evil Dead board game

It’s not as simple as that however as the evil that’s attempting to manifest in our reality is also corrupting the players and as you encounter these Deadite enemies, you’ll start to become corrupted.

Each player starts the game with a corruption card facedown (so even they don’t know they’re evil yet) but as the game goes on you’ll be adding additional cards to your pile (which you can look at as soon as you get your 2nd card) and if you have a Corrupted card - you’re no longer working with the human players and instead must try to subtlety sabotage their efforts until you reveal your true nature and reveal your allegiance - at which point your miniature is swapped out for an evil version. 

Evil Dead board game 2

There are boss Deadites (the aforementioned tree for instance) which add variety to the enemies you encounter and can really throw a spanner in the works but encourages you to work as a team to succeed at your goal. 

The Deadite players are using the pages of the Necronomicon to try to summon forth the Kandarian demons to take over the world, whoever manages to close the portal/summon the undead/kill all human players, wins!!

Evil Dead board game 4

This game is fun, thematic and a great horror themed homage to the film it’s trying to emulate. 

If you’re looking for a fun cooperative game with hidden traitor mechanics, then pick up a copy of Evil Dead 2 today! 

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