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Sorcery : Contested Realm - Arthurian Legends Booster Box

Written by K. Lambert - Nov 18 2024

Sorcery : Contested Realm - Arthurian Legends Booster Box

“Will you answer the call, leave your comfortable castle and embark on a journey fraught with great peril?”

Do you like the idea of a narrative game where you battle your friends for tactical supremacy? Then Sorcery: Contested Realm sounds like it could be the release you have been waiting for, so get ready to immerse yourself in a mystical world, cast down your opponents' avatar, and Contest the Realm!

Contested Realm is the latest trading card game to hit the shelves at Chaos Cards. As a newcomer to the world of Trading Card Games, it certainly has a lot to live up to! Sorcery has a traditional fantasy feel and look to it whilst adding in new components and mechanics which will be appealing to prospective players. This Autumn sees the release of an exciting expansion to this base set; aptly called ‘Arthurian Legends.’ The Chaos Cards team are fairly certain this release will be a hit for fans of the once and future King, and the fantastical tales of knights and sorcery.

So read on to find out about this exciting new game...

“Be Without Fear in the Face of your Enemies”

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Sorcery Contested Realm was initially launched in 2022 through Kickstarter. This October sees the release of the Arthurian Legends expansion, which adds an impressive 220 new cards and expanding the already epic story. This new release adds a ‘split power’ dynamic to the base game, which allows players to explore the Knights potential as Minion characters throughout the game. We feel this new dynamic adds an extra layer of player interaction within the game and is a worthwhile and fun addition for players. After all, the team always love learning a new skill set.

The general purpose of Sorcery: Contested Realms, is to defeat an opponents Avatar. In order to do this the game contains a variety of elemental spells and minions, amongst other skills; all aspects you would expect in a game involving legends of the mythical king. All sounds pretty standard so far right? Something we think may throw players however, is that there are actually two decks involved with gameplay, rather than the traditional one deck per person. Players start with 6 cards in their hand, 3 from each deck. Other than that, the mechanics will seem fairly familiar to fans of other popular trading card games: players have three steps in each turn where the aim is to reduce an opponents' life from 20 to 0. A special mention is due to the Sorcery Team and the amazing ‘how to play’ guides they have produced; from videos, rule books, online guides, and learning as you go - there's a method to appeal to all players. This makes the game feel really accessible and adaptable to multiple players' learning styles, and we love that the creators have taken this into account!

Check out the Ethereal Artwork

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The Chaos Cards team really admires the traditional fantasy look depicted within the Contested Realm cards. Each piece of artwork has been hand-painted, and visually evokes the ethereal look so common within the fantasy realms we all know and love. The artists use mediums such as oil, acrylic, watercolour, pen, and pencil in the artwork, which we feel really lends to the mythical, and stylised vibe throughout the cards. The artistic team happens to be made up of 35 artists with a variety of experience in role-playing games, trading card games, and even some album covers artists involved. The cards themselves look like the original style of Magic the Gathering cards but with a modern twist. We love that the cards blend this unique type of artistry typical of fantasy, with a more modern style of gameplay, resulting in making the game stand out a little more from its competitors. A fresh and interesting addition to the market is always welcome to the world of Trading Card Games!

Defending the Realm with Honour and Might

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The Chaos Cards team feel pretty enthusiastic about Arthurian Legends, and look forward to the game evolving with future releases. We are big fans of how storytelling and mythical legends are central to Sorcery: Contested Realm. Who doesn’t appreciate a chance to evolve their own mystical narrative throughout a game? It feels only fitting that the release focuses on the realm of King Arthur and the amazing legends that surround his life and reign. Sorcery: Contested Realm has a dedicated set of fans (we can see why!) and we feel this is only set to get bigger following this release.

Have you played Sorcery: Contested Realm yet? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below or over on our socials!


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